Research Centre
A research Centre has been established at the Vidyapeetham, and it has been named as” Sri Vyasateertha Samshodhana Pratishtana”
The main objectives of this institution is to encourage young scholars to make a deep dive into the massive ocean of classical subjects and try to explore the many hitherto unexplored areas, in addition the institution also aims at preserving the manuscripts available at various places across the country and accepts such manuscripts from people and institutions and suitably preserves them, the institute also has started its journey in publishing the traditional texts of Sri Vyasaraja Mutt and also in future aims to nurture young talent of the Vidyapeetham by providing opportunities for higher research.
A full-fledged library is being set-up and good reading facilities, new age gadgets like Smart TV, Web-Conferencing facility, Wi-Fi and Laptops have been installed.
The library houses nearly 3000 books. The research Centre is recognized by Karnataka Sanskrit University.
In the last 2 years, more than 10 books have been published after research.
List of Books already published
- Rajaguru Sree Vyasarajaru
- Sreeman Nyayamruta
- Aakhyata vaada
- Sree Vidyaprasanna teerthara devara namagalu
- Raghavendra stotra chintana-manthana
- Shivastuti
- Sookta Stotra Sangraha
The list of books to be published
- Rig Bhashya Teeka Vivruti – (originally by Kambalur Ramachandra Terrtharu)
- Sri Vyasayogi Charita- with Kannada Translation
- Chandamaaruta- (Originally By Vanamali Mishra)
- Shashwata Kosha – ( Samskruta Kosha)
- Padartha Viveka( by Shree Seshachandrikaacharyaru)
In near future all the publications of this research institute will be listed down in this website. For now, interested people may contact people listed below for any enquiry